Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summers are for organizing! (and free printables)

And gathering bulletin board ideas, planning my new classroom layout, teaching myself basic graphic design...  

Basically, I've been living on Pinterest.

While I will miss my former colleagues and students, the organizer in me is so excited to be moving to a new school this year! This will be my second teaching job, meaning I have a much better sense of what works, what doesn't, and what I'll need to keep track of. Starting with a new classroom will be the perfect clean slate for me to start an organization system from scratch! 

It all started with binder covers. Yes, binder covers.

I've been reading blogs from other teachers about classroom organization and decided this year, I plan to use a teacher binder. I'm great at keeping my plan book up to date and love paperless grading, but I always find myself unable to find the meeting notes or handout I need. Keeping class lists, student groupings, basic student data (yes, even as a Social Studies teacher), parent communication logs, and discipline logs, and meeting notes all in one place seems like a good idea.

If I'm going to be the teacher always lugging around a binder, I at least want it to look good! I started looking for binder cover templates and discovered that
  1. I could get the color and pattern I want, but uneditable with an outdated calendar year listed.
  2. I could get the color and pattern I want, but with blank labels that I'll have to write by hand.
  3. I could get the color, pattern, and editable text that I want for a gazillion dollars.
As a perfectionist, none of these seemed like great options. So, I started tinkering around with free digital paper and frames, and voila! My first graphic was born!

Click on the image to download the blank image for free from my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

Once I got going, I couldn't stop. I made a Weekly Menu Plan, too. I plan on printing it, putting it in a minimalist frame, hanging it in the cabinet, and writing on it weekly with dry erase markers. Even though it's not teaching related, feel free to download this template, too by clicking on the picture.

I hope you enjoy the printables! Time for me to continue my obsessive summer organizing.

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